How to take care after wisdom tooth extraction?

How to take care after wisdom tooth extraction?

The first thing you have to control after a wisdom tooth extraction is bleeding. You need to continue to bite firmly on the gauze, that is placed in your mouth by the dentist, until the bleeding stops. To minimize the pain take prescribed medications as instructed. The swelling after wisdom tooth extraction might be minimized by using an ice pack on the cheek near the surgical site.

It is good to have a rest and limit your activity for the first 24 hours after wisdom tooth removal surgery. You should eat only soft foods and drink enough water. It is best to consume protein shakes and vegetables or fruit juices. You may brush your teeth with toothpaste and a soft brush on the night of the surgery or the next morning. Do it gently without spiting and make sure you don’t hurt the surgical site.

During your recovery from wisdom tooth extraction, you shouldn’t drink with a straw, consume alcohol, hot liquids or smoke cigarettes. These things can slow down your healing process.

Wisdom tooth extraction is a common procedure that is completed daily. It is possible to have complications but usually rare. If you follow your dentist instructions you will heal quickly and well.