When to use mouthwash after wisdom tooth extraction?

When to use mouthwash after wisdom tooth extraction?

Dentists suggest that mouthwash be avoided for at least 1 day after wisdom tooth extraction because it can result in dislodging of the blood clot.  After that, you may use a special mouthwash that is usually prescribed by your doctor. He/she may also advise gargling your mouth with saltwater.

Maintaining good oral hygiene and a healthy mouth is essential during the recovery period in order to avoid infection or at least reduce the chances of its occurrence. You can use a soft brush to clean the rest of your teeth that are away from the surgical area and mouthwash that is recommended by your dentist.

Once your wisdom tooth extraction is completed, you will be provided with special instructions for the best way to promote healing and maintain your oral hygiene. It is essential to follow them to prevent any subsequent problems and infections of the treated area. It takes between 10 and 14 days to fully recover from your wisdom tooth extraction surgery. After that, you will be able to use any type of mouthwash.